Website Revamp for Digital Accessibility

The Family Justice Center of Washington County is a non-profit offering wrap-around services to survivors of family violence, all in one place. They host a collaboration of agencies in a single center dedicated to providing safety, healing, and hope to people impacted by violence and abuse.
Project at a Glance:
Front-End Engineer
Hours Engaged:
Skills & Stack:
Wordpress, CSS, HTML, JavaScript
The Family Justice Center of Washington County (FJCWC) provides information and resources on its website for survivors of violence and abuse. Making the website inclusive of the people it serves was essential for its mission, which is why the organization worked with Prometheus to improve its accessibility.
Prometheus paired FJCWC with a developer to integrate key accessibility features into its existing Squarespace website. The talent researched accessibility guidelines and provided an audit of accessibility issues and potential solutions. These issues were then resolved within the site through Javascript code injection and ready-made features provided by Squarespace. Once the site was updated, the talent provided a walk-through and documentation of the changes so that FJCWC could maintain its site for accessibility.

“I loved working on the project….Hearing that I have made an impact on an organization inspires me to grow and continue supporting as much as I can!” - Avinash (Student, Rutgers University)